our teachers
As a Certified Bikram Yoga Studio, all of our teachers have graduated the Bikram Yoga Teacher Training.
Every certified teacher, spends nine weeks immersed in an in-depth study of Bikram Yoga with Yoga Masters Bikram and Rajashree Choudhury and their staff of senior teachers.
The course, leading to a certificate of completion, introduces the teachers to the basic knowledge needed to begin teaching this powerful healing yoga.
The course covers asana, anatomy, therapeutic applications and health benefits of Yoga, nutrition, philosophy of Yoga, Bikram's Posture Clinic, and the Bikram Yoga dialogue.
Through dedicated practice and study of the 26 postures, the teachers worked to expand their knowledge of the Bikram Method and prepared themselves to teach it.

jon kinsman
I am the owner of Bikram Yoga Delray Beach and I became a Certified Bikram Teacher in March of 2004. I love to see people change in their bodies, their health and their overall happiness.
I love to have fun when I teach and make people laugh. The yoga is always a challenge for me, but I know that going through this experience with my practice everyday and coming out on the other side is what allows me to grow and feel amazing.
As an avid motorcyclist, unfortunately I have experienced a few injuries over the years - but with the help of Bikram yoga, I managed to re-habilitate my body back to full health. I fractured my pelvis in 2013, but I was back practicing 3 weeks later albeit with a slightly limited practice, but still in the room, using the postures to fix my broken body. Without the yoga, I would have taken a lot longer to mend.
Struggle harder and Don't Give Up!

ross barna
I was born and grew up in Philadelphia. I have always loved sports. I was very active growing up and played baseball all the way up through the collegiate level.After college, I began working in the legal industry and stopped paying as much attention to my health as I had in the past. By the end of 2010, I knew that I needed to make some changes and to take better care of myself. I decided that I would give yoga a try. Initially, I began practicing other styles of yoga. I found out pretty quickly that yoga involved a lot more than stretching, incense, and chanting. Somebody in one of my classes suggested that I try Bikram Yoga. All I knew about Bikram Yoga at the time was that it was the "hot" yoga. Never one to back down from a challenge, I attended my first class at 6:00 a.m. with Jon. I sweated more than I thought was humanly possible that morning. Very quickly I started to see the benefits that the teachers talked about during class becoming realities in my life. As a lifelong asthma sufferer, I had used inhalers for more than twenty years to regulate my breathing. After only nine months of consistent practice I was able to discontinue using my inhalers completely. I also lost about thirty pounds my first year of practicing.
I believe strongly that this yoga can have tremendous benefits for anyone willing to practice consistently, and I am so grateful to be a part of the awesome community at the studio!

marsha white
Marsha started practicing yoga over 40 years ago and received her first certification in 2000, as a Bikram instructor. She has traveled extensively to teach at studios within the U.S., Israel, and Costa Rica. Marsha continues her education in yoga by attending and participating in various yoga practices, classes and workshops.
In July 2010, she attended another yoga teacher training with Ana Forrest. Marsha uses the spiritual peace and internal insight she has gained through her personal pursuit of yoga to guide her instruction.

david salcedo
David started practicing Bikram yoga in Boca Raton, FL in 1996. He attended teacher training in 2002 and ever since his devotion as a teacher has brought humility, compassion and patience to serve his students through their struggles and accomplishments. He truly believes in the miraculous medical benefits of the series after healing himself from a deformed (kyphotic) spine. When not teaching or practicing; David is a full time pastry chef, an aficionado flamenco dancer and an amateur saltwater aquarist.

cole ulhrig
Cole began practicing yoga on June 1, 2010, in New York City at Bikram Yoga Harlem. After just that one class, he noticed such a profound difference in his energy, mood and physical body that he was clear about the desire to practice regularly for the rest of his life. Cole attended the FALL 2011 Bikram Yoga Teacher Training in Los Angeles and began teaching at several studios on Long Island, NY after completing certification. Recently, Cole moved to Ocean Ridge with his partner Vincent Grucci, and has been teaching around South Florida ever since. In January 2014, Cole suffered a meniscus tear and a torn ACL which required surgery. The procedure and the rehab left Cole with a renewed respect for practicing mindfulness and a commitment to patience, which he now brings into both his practice and his teaching.

erica predmest
Teaching Bikram Yoga gives me the ability to help change peoples lives and I can watch my students blossom and learn to love and respect their bodies as I did and still do. I honestly can not imagine my life without this practice. It has helped me in the most tremendous ways. The benefits from Bikram Yoga are endless and I have found a new respect for myself. I can say without reservation that participating in Bikram Yoga has been the most important decision I’ve ever made to nurture my mind, body and life.

hilary crows
My Bikram yoga journey started at Bikram Yoga Delray Beach in December 2003 and what I thought would be a once a week workout along with the gym and other styles of yoga turned out to be life changing. I saw weight drop off, self confidence rise and mentally I was much more focused. After seeing how beneficial this practice was in my life I wanted to be able to share this amazing practice with others... and prove to myself that I could get through the 9 week teacher training! I attended teacher training in the spring of '09 in Palm Desert CA. Training was physically and even more so mentally one of the most challenging things I have ever done - and I am so grateful for it! Teaching and continued practice has given me a foundation for my life and I try to take what we practice in the hot room into my life: compassion, discipline, humility, patience and honesty. I am so glad to be back at Bikram Yoga Delray Beach and look forward to seeing you all in the hot room!